FOIA Request: Congressional Communications related to Title IX Policies and Enforcement

AgencyDepartment of Education
TypeFOIA Request
IssueTitle IX
TrackingDFI FOIA No. 100-8-22
DateMar 17, 2022

The Biden Administration has announced its intention to make major changes to the U.S. Department of Education’s “2020 Rule,” which strengthened Title IX’s due process and privacy rights of students and faculty in campus sexual assault matters. The Department’s Office for Civil Rights has announced its intention to substantially revise the 2020 Rule’s protections and has issued a Notice of Interpretation expanding its enforcement of Title IX to include “discrimination based on gender identity.” These proposed changes follow known public advocacy of major changes to the 2020 Rule by particular members of Congress. DFI’s FOIA request is for records of communications from and with members of Congress and congressional staff who have advocated significant changes to the 2020 Rule now being made by the Department.

  Request   Response