FOIA Request: OESE Records Related to Equity Assistance Centers

AgencyDepartment of Education
TypeFOIA Request
IssueDiversity, Equity, and InclusionEducation Freedom
TrackingDFI FOIA No. 100-9-22
DateMar 28, 2022

The U.S. Department of Education provides grants to applicants to “render technical assistance” to local school boards and other responsible government entities in public school desegregation efforts. Administered by the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), the Department changed the name of its “Desegregation Assistance Centers” to “Equity Assistance Centers” and has since awarded millions of dollars in grants to entities focused on “sex desegregation” and other forms of “equity-based” social agendas, including instruction on systemic racism and thwarting parental rights. DFI’s FOIA request is for OESE records related to grant awards and cooperative agreements with its Equity Assistance Center grant applicants and award recipients.

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